Friday, 24 July 2009

hey.. i just got back from my vacation to solo, center java. it was totally nice! well since i eat a loads of super delicious foods there. well i didn't mean that the food in my town aren't good. but yeah.. its just sometimes the price is just too expensive. well, compared to solo at least.

as i promised you that i'll put my photo's here in my blog well. i guess its the time! since i can borrow bretel's brother camera, nikon D70s so i can capture every thing i want to and keep it here, on my blog. but well.. first things first. this time i'll just publish some of it. doesn't mean that i want to make you curious or what but its just because the connection on my country aren't good at all. so.. i'll just save it for later.. may i?

well.. let me give some explanation, here in solo you can find so many old things. its because this city used to run by a sultan. but now, since indonesia are one country, so the sultan just become somekind of mayor in the city. there are so many ancient buildings that you can find in indonesia actually. because, before indonesia become indonesia that we know, it used to have loads of kingdoms here. if you ever heard about majapahit, sriwijaya, etc. they used to be the owner of indonesia, singapore, malaysia and maybe some other country that i didn't know (im sorry i forgot about the history.. i used to knew it when i was a kid so it's super long time ago) 

well, anyway.. there's no wonder if those countries have a loads of similiarities.. because we used to be one big kingdom. too bad now malaysia seems like hate indonesia so much and try to take everything that belong in indonesia. *sigh but what the hell?! its none of my bussiness anyway.. im just try to enjoy everything that i've got. 

so, that's enough of a hi-lights.. if you want to know much much more about indonesia, one of the coolest kingdom on earth, or anything.. dont ask me.. i dunno much of anything so, better if you just googling and find the correct keywords.. its kind of amazing that you can find something really new from a history..

well.. jfyi, these picture is about a  few days i've got there. i can't explain everythings but i hope this picture can 'talk'. if you see the kind-of steak there, its actually something known as selad solo. it's pretty good, if you like meat with sweet sauce (trust me, its good). and timlo solo is a somekind of soup. but it doesen't have that creamy taste or even rich one.. it's just light and soft. so its pretty good if you got high cholesterole. and those green.ish buildings are actually the enterance door to keraton (a.k.a the sultan's palace) you can see the western.ish ornaments and its still in a good conditions. and the bridge? i just love the silhouettes!