Wednesday, 23 December 2009

seorang anak dengan topeng ultraman yang sudah cukup usang termangu sendiri di tepi ilalang. namun sekumpulan anak-anak tetap asyik bermain tanpa menghiraukan anak bertopeng itu. Walaupun memakai topeng, bahasa tubuhnya menunjukkan bahwa da hanya ingin bergabung. Setiap ada anak yang berlari mendekat ke arahnya, tubuhnya yang tidak kalah usang dengan topeng ultraman yang dipakainya menunjukkan sedikit semangat. Namun, tubuh usang itu kembali layu setelah ternyata tidak ada satupun yang mengajaknya bermain bersama.




suatu hari, setelah berbulan-bulan lamanya, akhirnya ada seorang bocah yang datang menghampirinya sembari bertanya, apa yang selama ini kamu inginkan?

anak itu seolah lelah mengharap siapapun akan datang sesuai harapannya dengan lemah berkata : 'teman'

Thursday, 12 November 2009

for some reason maybe i just can't post a pictures yet..
therefore, ill tell you something weird that happened in my room this morning..
well.. i got this kind of dorm thingy. which means that i stay alone there in my room. although i got some besties here. but we don't live in the same room.
anyway this morning when i took a shower, as usual i opened my door just a half. Cause i always forgot to buy the new bulb for my bathroom. so i meant to let a light inside so it wont be that dark anymore.. (as a vampire i don't mind spending the day in the dark, but i feel like it will be nicer if i can see wether the water is clean or not. well, a little light helps.
anyway.. when i started to take a shower, i thought i saw a glimpse of shadows passing by in my room. at first i thought that i was just my imagination. but i saw it passed the room for about 4 to 5 times. to be honest it gives me a goosebumps.. a little. i don't know nor care if this place is really haunted. but well.. i just didn't like the feeling that something or someone sneaking at me and my room without my permission.. that sucks.. really do.
i wont mind if that something is a vampire whom actually falling for me. but well, i know that you all will laugh at me saying im loco but the hell with that! i just didn't like that im shiver because of something so stupid like that.

its a little something of my days kinda busy and living in a very hectic situation where i got loads and loads never ending stuffs to do. but unfortunately that im not that strong to always keep up with this bizzare. i got collapsed a time or two. but well.. Thanks God that i can manage it fast so no one will notice what's up (i don't think anyone cares either anyway)

you know, sometimes its good to be like emily the strange.. when you could have your alone time rather than you got a noisy birds tweeting around you.. i didn't say that i hate that. but sometimes its just really nice to have a place of peace although just in minds. i got some bunch of friends who can be at my side but remains shut and calm. but they could be crazy too at the same times. well, that's something that i prefer to have and keep..i don't like too much noises when its just too much..

how about you??

Thursday, 1 October 2009

and these are my few sketch that finally done. well, it's an old one.
but its my vampiresketchbook and i haven't add any of my pure scan-sketch.
so well.. enjoy..

i want to ask you, why its so hard to update my blog?? it's always failed and its super sucks. how impatiently me..its just because of the connections in here are lame.. LOL

anyway, congrats to my super cool friends. they're together now. hint: acel.. ahaahahahaha.. both of you are super cool. i can't wait to see you both collaborating.. whoaa.. super awesomely cool, i guess..

thanks to my moe for editing this stuffs. love you!

Friday, 24 July 2009

hey.. i just got back from my vacation to solo, center java. it was totally nice! well since i eat a loads of super delicious foods there. well i didn't mean that the food in my town aren't good. but yeah.. its just sometimes the price is just too expensive. well, compared to solo at least.

as i promised you that i'll put my photo's here in my blog well. i guess its the time! since i can borrow bretel's brother camera, nikon D70s so i can capture every thing i want to and keep it here, on my blog. but well.. first things first. this time i'll just publish some of it. doesn't mean that i want to make you curious or what but its just because the connection on my country aren't good at all. so.. i'll just save it for later.. may i?

well.. let me give some explanation, here in solo you can find so many old things. its because this city used to run by a sultan. but now, since indonesia are one country, so the sultan just become somekind of mayor in the city. there are so many ancient buildings that you can find in indonesia actually. because, before indonesia become indonesia that we know, it used to have loads of kingdoms here. if you ever heard about majapahit, sriwijaya, etc. they used to be the owner of indonesia, singapore, malaysia and maybe some other country that i didn't know (im sorry i forgot about the history.. i used to knew it when i was a kid so it's super long time ago) 

well, anyway.. there's no wonder if those countries have a loads of similiarities.. because we used to be one big kingdom. too bad now malaysia seems like hate indonesia so much and try to take everything that belong in indonesia. *sigh but what the hell?! its none of my bussiness anyway.. im just try to enjoy everything that i've got. 

so, that's enough of a hi-lights.. if you want to know much much more about indonesia, one of the coolest kingdom on earth, or anything.. dont ask me.. i dunno much of anything so, better if you just googling and find the correct keywords.. its kind of amazing that you can find something really new from a history..

well.. jfyi, these picture is about a  few days i've got there. i can't explain everythings but i hope this picture can 'talk'. if you see the kind-of steak there, its actually something known as selad solo. it's pretty good, if you like meat with sweet sauce (trust me, its good). and timlo solo is a somekind of soup. but it doesen't have that creamy taste or even rich one.. it's just light and soft. so its pretty good if you got high cholesterole. and those green.ish buildings are actually the enterance door to keraton (a.k.a the sultan's palace) you can see the western.ish ornaments and its still in a good conditions. and the bridge? i just love the silhouettes!

Saturday, 4 April 2009

why its bluey when it supposed to be reddish?!

my mid term test.. well.. the color aren't supposed to be like this thou..
cuz its all reddish.. and why'd its all blue ish?? aaaaaarrrrggghhhhh
still managing that anyways..
well my class should make this dvd's cover and the brochures.. but for the dvd's i think its more like a book cover rather than dvd cover.. but yea.. wtf..

Saturday, 28 March 2009

watermarks.. watermarks

morning! previous days i was thinking about the watermarks that i should put on each of every pictures and sketch i made.. but i really didn't know what should i make.
my friends told me that it wasn't that necessary at all.. but well, when bretel's said so.. what can i do?!

talking bout watermarks, i really like lorena alvarez's pictures. she got those bird's watermark for all of her pictures. and that didn't ruin the pictures at all!
i'm a big fans of her, to be honest. and i wish that someday she could teach me how to do those coloring like that. its awesome!

this are one of my lorena alvarez!

Btw, i know my english aren't good at all.. but i really hope that people will read my blogs more easily by using english. rather than i wrote in indonesia or other language..

hugs and bites,

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

my new blog.. i hope i didn't forget the password

well, here i am.. making another blogspot since i forgot my last's password.. my 1st blog are .. but i'm kinda clumsy so i really forgot the password. So finally i made this vampire's sketch book. It might be similar from the previous one. but i'm adding a slice of my life.. it's kinda stories perhaps.. or a place where i eat, spend most times with my boyfriends.. and maybe i'll put my photo's that i captured too..and yeah.. well.. my sketch!

like this one, i made it on 2007. i just edited it a bit with photoshop. i called im captain vampire.
i made this one up when i was waiting for my boyfriends during his class. i've already made the head much bigger but well, i haven't scan it yet. so i promise you, i will..